Before installing a green roof, consider the initial construction investment, maintenance cost, return on investment, and financing options, including grants and tax incentives provided by NYC and other entities.

What is the DEP Green Infrastructure Grant?The Green Infrastructure Grant has helped fund over 30 green roofs since its inception in 2011. This grant program, funded by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), is an incentive for private property owners to retrofit their NYC rooftops with green roofs.
What are the Green Infrastructure Grant eligibility requirements?As of 2019, a green roof retrofit must be 3,500 square feet, have a minimum of 1.5 inch soil depth, and manage at least 1 inch of rainfall. Visit the DEP’s website for the most up-to-date eligibility requirements.
What will the grant cover?Funding is for the design and construction of green roof retrofits on private property. The amount is determined by the green roof area (GRA) and soil depth. The grant will reimburse $10 to $30 per square foot for an eligible green roof.
What are the steps to submit an application?Private property owners within New York City's five boroughs are encouraged to apply for the Green Infrastructure Grant. Prior to submitting an application, schedule a preliminary meeting with a DEP representative to ensure the project is viable and to discuss timelines. Be prepared to review the structural integrity of the roof, the project size, and which sewer drainage area the building is in, as these are essential for the project to move forward.
What else should I know before considering an application?Property owners must execute a funding agreement with the DEP. Included in the funding agreement is a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, which requires the property owner to commit to maintaining the green roof for at least 20 years. The funding agreement and the Declaration are available on the DEP’s website and should be reviewed by the property owner and their legal counsel prior to submitting an application.

What is the DEP Green Infrastructure Grant?The Green Infrastructure Grant has helped fund over 30 green roofs since its inception in 2011. This grant program, funded by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), is an incentive for private property owners to retrofit their NYC rooftops with green roofs.
What are the Green Infrastructure Grant eligibility requirements?As of 2019, a green roof retrofit must be 3,500 square feet, have a minimum of 1.5 inch soil depth, and manage at least 1 inch of rainfall. Visit the DEP’s website for the most up-to-date eligibility requirements.
What will the grant cover?Funding is for the design and construction of green roof retrofits on private property. The amount is determined by the green roof area (GRA) and soil depth. The grant will reimburse $10 to $30 per square foot for an eligible green roof.
What are the steps to submit an application?Private property owners within New York City's five boroughs are encouraged to apply for the Green Infrastructure Grant. Prior to submitting an application, schedule a preliminary meeting with a DEP representative to ensure the project is viable and to discuss timelines. Be prepared to review the structural integrity of the roof, the project size, and which sewer drainage area the building is in, as these are essential for the project to move forward.
What else should I know before considering an application?Property owners must execute a funding agreement with the DEP. Included in the funding agreement is a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, which requires the property owner to commit to maintaining the green roof for at least 20 years. The funding agreement and the Declaration are available on the DEP’s website and should be reviewed by the property owner and their legal counsel prior to submitting an application.
Green Roof Tax AbatemenT
A New York City property tax abatement is available for property owners who install a green roof on their buildings. The current program runs through June 30, 2024, and offers $5.23 per square foot of green roof installed in most parts of the City and $15 per square foot in Priority Community Districts.
The City established Priority Districts based on the need for stormwater management and urban heat island reduction benefits that green roofs can offer. The potential for stormwater management benefits was based on the percent of land area within a Combined Sewer Overflow Priority Area designated by the NYC Department of Environmental Protection. The potential for urban heat island reduction was based on the Heat Vulnerability Index developed by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, characterizing the risk of heat-related mortality based on a suite of socioeconomic and environmental factors.
Use the map below to see what tax abatement rate applies to your Community District, and click on the magnifying glass to enter a specific address.
Learn more about installing a green roof. The map is best viewed on a non-mobile device, View the map in a separate window.

What is the DEP Green Infrastructure Grant?The Green Infrastructure Grant has helped fund over 30 green roofs since its inception in 2011. This grant program, funded by the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), is an incentive for private property owners to retrofit their NYC rooftops with green roofs.
What are the Green Infrastructure Grant eligibility requirements?As of 2019, a green roof retrofit must be 3,500 square feet, have a minimum of 1.5 inch soil depth, and manage at least 1 inch of rainfall. Visit the DEP’s website for the most up-to-date eligibility requirements.
What will the grant cover?Funding is for the design and construction of green roof retrofits on private property. The amount is determined by the green roof area (GRA) and soil depth. The grant will reimburse $10 to $30 per square foot for an eligible green roof.
What are the steps to submit an application?Private property owners within New York City's five boroughs are encouraged to apply for the Green Infrastructure Grant. Prior to submitting an application, schedule a preliminary meeting with a DEP representative to ensure the project is viable and to discuss timelines. Be prepared to review the structural integrity of the roof, the project size, and which sewer drainage area the building is in, as these are essential for the project to move forward.
What else should I know before considering an application?Property owners must execute a funding agreement with the DEP. Included in the funding agreement is a Declaration of Restrictive Covenant, which requires the property owner to commit to maintaining the green roof for at least 20 years. The funding agreement and the Declaration are available on the DEP’s website and should be reviewed by the property owner and their legal counsel prior to submitting an application.

Green roof financing resources
Nature Based Strategies for Urban and Building Sustainability
Stormwater Policy As A Green Roof (Dis)Incentive For Retail Developers.
Life Cycle Costs of Green Roofs: A Comparison of Germany, USA, and Brazil.
The Health Benefits of Small Parks and Green Spaces